Crack the Code: 4-Digit Password Puzzles

Welcome to the world of logical reasoning puzzles. There are many different types of logical puzzles. Today's logical puzzles are crack-the-code puzzles. This puzzle type is also known as the Mastermind puzzle. In these puzzles, your challenge is to find the 4-digit code that will open the lock.

Crack the Code Puzzle: 1350, 7251, 6873, 0178, ????
1. Can You Crack the Code and Find a 4-digit Password?

In this article, there are 5 crack the 4-digit password puzzles. In each puzzle picture, provided hints will lead to the 4-digit password. Study each hint carefully to correctly crack the 4-digit lock code password.

If you are new to the Mastermind Puzzles, our tutorial on "How to solve crack the code puzzles" will help you learn this type.

Crack the Code Puzzle: 9635, 0396, 1678, 2048, 6312
2. Can You Crack the Code and Find a 4-digit Password?

Crack the Code Puzzle: 0746, 1407, 2978, 3159, 7423, ????
3. Can You Crack the Code and Find a 4-digit Password?

Crack the Code Puzzle: 6935, 0398, 8761, 2048, 6312, ????
4. Can You Crack the Code and Find a 4-digit Password?

Crack the Code Puzzle: 3627, 8143, 4538, 1354, 6735, ????
5. Can You Crack the Code and Find a 4-digit Password?

The answer to the "Crack-the-Code Quest: 4-Digit Password Puzzles", can be viewed by clicking the answer button.

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