Find the Mistake Puzzles: Strategic Chess Challenges


In the game of chess, every move matters. You may be in the winning position during the game of chess. However, if you make a single mistake, you may lose the game immediately.

Strategic Chess Challenges:   White to Play and Checkmate Black in 1-Move. Find the Mistake in Black's Previous Move and Suggest the Best Move by Black to avoid Immediate Checkmate by White.
1. Strategic Chess Challenges: Find the Mistake Puzzle

Understanding Chess Puzzles

If you want to master the game of chess, then you should learn to avoid costly mistakes. Here are the chess puzzles where Black made a costly mistake during the middle game of chess that led to an immediate checkmate by White.

Double Challenges in Chess Puzzles

There are 5 double chess puzzles in this article. The first and easy challenge is to play as White and checkmate Black in an immediate 1-move. 
Now comes the second chess challenge. In its previous move, Black made an avoidable mistake which is marked in each of the chess puzzle images. Your chess challenge is to find the best move by Black that will avoid this immediate checkmate.

Strategic Chess Challenges:   White to Play and Checkmate Black in 1-Move. Find the Mistake in Black's Previous Move and Suggest the Best Move by Black to avoid Immediate Checkmate by White.
2. Strategic Chess Challenges: Find the Mistake Puzzle

Strategic Chess Challenges:   White to Play and Checkmate Black in 1-Move. Find the Mistake in Black's Previous Move and Suggest the Best Move by Black to avoid Immediate Checkmate by White.
3. Strategic Chess Challenges: Find the Mistake Puzzle

Strategic Chess Challenges:   White to Play and Checkmate Black in 1-Move. Find the Mistake in Black's Previous Move and Suggest the Best Move by Black to avoid Immediate Checkmate by White.
4. Strategic Chess Challenges: Find the Mistake Puzzle

Strategic Chess Challenges:   White to Play and Checkmate Black in 1-Move. Find the Mistake in Black's Previous Move and Suggest the Best Move by Black to avoid Immediate Checkmate by White.
5. Strategic Chess Challenges: Find the Mistake Puzzle

Answers to these double-challenge chess puzzles are provided in this article. You may come up with a different solution path and hence a different answer. If your answer is different from our answer, please write down your answer in the comments.

The answers to these "Find the Mistake Chess Puzzles", can be viewed by clicking the answer button.

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