Water Flow Visual Puzzle: Which Container Fills First?

Here is the Water Flow Visual Puzzle in which your challenge is to find out Which Container will fill first. Solving this puzzle will help you to improve your observation skills.

In this puzzle there are many containers marked from A to L. Water starts from container A and flows in many different containers in accordance to the connection of the containers. Your challenge in this Water Flow Puzzle is to find out which container will fill up the first!

Water Flow Visual Puzzle: Which Container Fills First?
Water Flow Visual Puzzle: Which Container Fills First?

The answer to this "Visual Picture Puzzle for Teens", can be viewed by clicking on the button. Please do give your best try before looking at the answer.


Unknown said...

No it's not, it's G

Fun With Puzzles said...

Exit from C to D is closed which will prevent G getting filled.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

The answer os G not f

Unknown said...

The answer os G not f

Unknown said...

it is g not f how is it f

Unknown said...

it's F, G has no free flow of water the pipe is closed