This is the Picture Brain Teaser which will challenge your brain. In this Picture Brain Teaser, your challenge is to find the mistake in the given puzzle image. In this puzzle picture, there is one mistake. You have to observe this picture very carefully to find the mistake in this picture. This is a tough picture brain teaser. Let's see how much time it will take to find the mistake in the brain teaser. Post your answer in the comments if you are able to solve this picture brain teaser without looking at the answer!
The answer to this "Picture Brain Teaser", can be viewed by clicking on the answer button.
the 8 is upside down
No. 8 is upside down, thsnk you.
The 8 is printed upside down.
I don't get it. I couldn't spot the mistake, so I looked at the answer. Okay, the 8 is upside down, but so what? The image is no less meaningful or intelligible for that. Other than as a very minor typesetter's blunder, I'm not sure that qualifies epistemologically as a "mistake."
This is BS no 8 is upside down.
Agree with you. Just looks like an eight, maybe just drawn different, not sure upside down would describe a mistake.
I also think that
Yeah it's mistake