Challenging Math Reasoning Question: Crack the Code

Test your brain with this challenging math reasoning question. Decode the logical relations between letters and numbers to find the missing number in the equation. Can you crack the code and solve the puzzle?

IF  NE = 11, WO = 22,  EE = 33,  UR = 44 and  VE = 55  THEN  EN = ?. Can you solve this Math Reasoning Puzzle Question and Answer for Adults?
Challenging Math Reasoning Question: Crack the Logical Code

Here's the puzzle: IF NE = 11, WO = 22, EE = 33, UR = 44, and VE = 55, what does EN equal? Can you crack the code and figure out the missing number that replaces the question mark in this mathematical reasoning puzzle?

The answer to this "Challenging Math Reasoning Question", can be viewed by clicking on the answer button.

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