Crack the Code: Mathematical Logic Equations Puzzle

Are you ready for a mathematical brain workout? Welcome to the world of logic and numbers with our Mathematical Logic Equations Puzzle. Solving this puzzle will help you to improve your logical reasoning skills. Let's see if you have a sharp brain to crack the missing number in this brain challenge!

IF  1 + 4 = 15,  4 + 2 = 18,  5 + 6 = 33 and  7 + 8 = 45  THEN  2 + 8 = ?. Can you Crack the Code?
Crack the Code: Can you Find the Missing Number?

Solving these types of reasoning puzzles helps you to power your brain. This puzzle statement reads "IF  1 + 4 = 15,  4 + 2 = 18,  5 + 6 = 33 and  7 + 8 = 45  THEN  2 + 8 = ?". Can you Crack the Code to find the value of "2 + 8" in the last number equation? 

The answer to this "Math Logical Equation Puzzle", can be viewed by clicking on the answer button.

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