Mind-Twisting Math IQ Question with an Answer

Challenge your brain with this intriguing Math IQ Question. In this picture puzzle, there are logical number equations. Each number equation follows certain logical patterns.  Your mission is to crack the hidden code and then find the missing number that replaces the question mark, completing the puzzle.

IF  1 + 5 = 18  2 + 10 = 36  3 + 15 = 54  THEN   4 + 20 = ? Can you solve this Mind-Twisting Math IQ Question?
Can you solve this Math IQ Question?

The mental ablility question statement reads "IF 1 + 5 = 18 2 + 10 = 36 3 + 15 = 54 THEN 4 + 20 = ?". Can you solve this Mind-Twisting Math IQ Question to find the value of "4+20" in the last number equation?

The answer to this "Math IQ Question", can be viewed by clicking on the answer button.


Unknown said...

3 x (1+5) = 18
3 x (2+10) = 36
3 x (3+15) = 54
3 x (4+20) = 72 <- answer

Rajesh Kumar said...

Excellent! Your answer to this math iq question is correct.

Unknown said...