Offset Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #391)

Disjoint Groups Sudoku is also known by another name called Offset Sudoku. I saw the name Offset Sudoku being used in some of the websites for this Sudoku type. However it more famous with the name Disjoint Groups Sudoku. Also, this name is being used in most of the Sudoku competitions including the World Sudoku Championships. Most of the Sudoku puzzles for a type is created on this website are with the name Disjoint Groups Sudoku and in the future also I will be using Disjoint Groups Sudoku for this Sudoku. However today I am using the Offset Sudoku name to cover this name and make the audience aware of another name for Disjoint Groups Sudoku. This Offset Sudoku puzzle, I am publishing in the Fun With Sudoku Series as the 391st Sudoku Puzzle in this Series.

Rules of Offset Sudoku Puzzle

Standard Sudoku Rules apply. Additionally, cells with the same position in 3x3 boxes contain numbers from 1 to 9 i.e no number can repeat in the same position in 3x3 boxes.
Offset Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #391)
Offset Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #391)
The answer to this Offset Sudoku puzzle can be viewed by clicking on the button. Please do give your best try to solve this Sudoku puzzle before looking at the answer.

This Offset Sudoku Puzzle I am publishing as #391st Sudoku puzzle in the Fun With Sudoku Series. Here are the next and previous Sudoku puzzles published in this series.
The previous Sudoku Puzzle is Jigsaw Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #390)


kishy said...


Vijaya Rajan said...

Around 4 mins. I was able to solve smoothly

Vijaya Rajan said...

Around 4 mins. I was able to solve smoothly.

Unknown said...

Solved in 7 minutes but it was smooth

Rakesh said...

6 min. Smooth

Rakesh said...

Superb timing