Math Brain Teaser for Students | Algebra Problem

This is Math Brain Teaser, Algebra Problem for students. In this Math Brain Teaser, there are some algebraic expressions in which variables of the equations are represented by geometrical symbols like Squares, Triangles, and Circles. Your task is to find the value of each of these variables. It means you have to find the value of the Square, Triangle, and Circle and then solve the last equation.

In this Math Brain Teaser your challenge is to solve the given Algebraic equation for finding value of Triangle, Square and Circle
Can you solve this Math Brain Teaser?

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Unknown said...


Rajesh Kumar said...

Yes, your answer to this Math Brain Teaser is right.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Could it also be 5, given Circle could be -1

Rajesh Kumar said...

Yes, you are right. The Circle could be -1 also. So the answer could also be 5.

Anonymous said...

6 becase a nuber 2muliply with 3 we got answer 6 the circle value is 0 ans 6

Anonymous said...

The answer is 9 because there is no indication to multiply before adding. It indicates circle + square x triangle. Therefore, 1 + 2 = 3 x 3 = 9. If the answer is truly 7, the square and triangle must be enclosed in parentheses.

Anonymous said...

It could be 7 or 5 if the circle is -1

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The order of operations is always multiplication before addition. If you want to do otherwise you need to group with parentheses.