3D Paintings on Wall | 3D Artworks | 3D Art Paintings

Dive into the captivating realm of 3D wall paintings in Bangalore. Discover how two-dimensional drawings transform into breathtaking 3D illusions.

3D Paintings on Wall: Selfie with Monkey
Selfie with Monkey 3D Art Painting

Recently, the city of Bangalore had the privilege of hosting the #SelfieMuseum, a unique initiative by IONA Entertainment that introduced the public to the world of 3D creative artwork. Here are some of the 3D Art Paintings in this Museum.

3D Paintings on Wall: 3d Magic Art Painting of a Crocodile
3D Magic Art Painting of a Crocodile

3D Paintings on Wall: 3d Magic Art Painting of the Horse
3D Magic Art Painting of the Horse

3D Paintings on Wall: 3D Art Painting of Charles Chaplin
3D Art Painting of Charles Chaplin

3D Paintings on Wall: 3D Art Painting of Adam, Eve, and Apple
3D Art Painting of Adam, Eve, and Apple

Please check out some more interesting Optical Illusions and solve some picture puzzles as mentioned below

List of Optical Illusions and Picture Puzzles

Funny and Amazing Optical Illusions

Please check out some funny optical illusions which will amaze your mind.

Can you find the mistake in the picture? If you have good observational skills, then do try out these tricky and cool brain teasers in which you have to find the mistake in the picture.

After finding the mistakes in pictures, try to read the text in the given reading puzzles to twist your mind.

This simple brain teaser picture puzzle in which you have to find the odd one out in the given picture will test your visual skills.

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