XV Sudoku is not only the standard Sudoku variation but also one of the most liked Sudoku variations. I was trying to create a Mini XV Sudoku puzzle with the mini given numbers. When I tried to solve it without giving any number then I realized that numbers 1, 4, 6, and 5 can be filled without the need for any givens. It is because 4 is common between X and V. However numbers 2 and 3 are not linked with any other number. 2 and 3 are linked together with V. So one of these 2 or 3 needs to be given to make the puzzle unique. If none of these numbers is given then 2 and 3 can be exchanged to make the puzzle non-unique. So there is the next set of XV Sudoku puzzles which I created for kids. This set I tried to create this by just giving one number. This one number is either 2 or 3. So one will see the next Mini XV Sudoku puzzle published on this website with only one number given :).
This XV Sudoku puzzle I am posting in Mini Sudoku Series as 93rd Sudoku in this series. Can you solve this XV Sudoku puzzle?
Rules of XV Sudoku
XV Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #93) Solution
Previous Mini Sudoku Killer Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #92)
Previous Mini Sudoku Killer Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #92)
Next Mini Sudoku Jigsaw Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #94)
Below is the solution to the XV Sudoku Puzzle, which is published with the title XV Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #262)
XV Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #262) Puzzle Solution |
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