Jumping Frog Jigsaw Puzzle for Kids with Answer

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This Easy Jumping Frog Jigsaw Puzzle is for Kids. There is a picture of Jumping Frog from where one square piece is taken out. Your challenge is to find the correct missing jigsaw piece which is taken from the puzzle image. Let's see how much time you will take to find this missing piece?
It is an Easy Jigsaw Puzzle for Kids in which one has to find the missing Jigsaw Piece from given Puzzle Image.
Can you solve this Jumping Frog Jigsaw Puzzle?

The answer to this "Jumping Frog Jigsaw Puzzle for Kids", can be viewed by clicking on the button. Please do give your best try before looking at the answer.


Unknown said...

answer is c of the missing piece puzzle😓😕😌.I think so it is the correct answer. otherwise you tell me what is the correct answer.

Rajesh Kumar said...

Correct Answer is A :)