Smashed Sums (Mini Puzzles Series #18)

This Puzzle type appeared in OÄŸuz Atay Puzzle Contest (OAPC)-2 championship. That time I prepared two Smashed Sums puzzles to understand the rules of this puzzle type. This puzzle is an easy one and I am re-posting it as the 18th puzzle in Mini Puzzles Series. Can you solve this Smashed Sums puzzle?

Rules of Smashed Sums puzzle

Fill the grid with digits given in the range so that no digit is repeated in each row or column. Additionally, exactly two squares in each row and column should be blackened. Numbers outside the grid indicate the total of cells between the blackened squares in the corresponding row/column.
Smashed Sums (Mini Puzzles Series #18)
Smashed Sums (Mini Puzzles Series #18)

Next Mini Puzzles Series puzzle Fences (Mini Puzzles Series #19)

Solution of Fun With Sudoku Series puzzle titled Average Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #94)
Average Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #94) Solution
Average Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #94) Solution

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